Visitors Map Help
You have questions? We have answers!
Please check our FAQ below. If you do not find the answer your need, please write to us at wix@web-stat.com and we'll get back to you within less than 24 hours.
- I asked to see the last 100 visitors but I am seeing a lot less!
The map only starts recording your visitors after you have installed it, so depending on your traffic it might take a few days (or weeks) for it to fill up.
Assuming that you waited long enough to gather 100 visits or more, it can often happen that some visitors come from the exact same location. This causes the markers to pile-up on top of each others. As a result you get less distinct markers than there are visitors. Two things can be done about this:
- Exclude your own visits. These will typically always come from the same place and cause a large pileup. This is why we suggest that you exclude your own visits from being recorded. This option is available in the app's Settings Panel (Settings > Other Settings).
- Use the 'Last Locations' Map. We have added a second type of map called 'Last Locations'. If you ask to see 100 markers, this map will show you the last 100 distinct visitors locations, leading to more markers on the map. This option is available to all Premium accounts from the app's Settings Panel (Settings > Type of Map).
- Can I exclude my own visits to my site from the map?
Yes, you can! Simply log into your Wix web site editor, click on the Live Visitors Map app, then on 'App Settings'. In the App Settings Panel select 'Settings > Exclude my own visits > yes'. As soon as you do, visits to your site made with the browser you were using when you set the exclusion will be ignored by the map.
If you use several computers or browsers to access your site, you need to repeat the above for each computer/browser, so that they are all excluded.
The exclusion is set by writing a cookie in your browser. If the browser's cookies get deleted or reset for any reason, access the Settings Panel again and the cookie will get re-written.
- The map is seeing less visitors than my counter/other analytics tool
Less is more. We go to great lengths to discard all non-human traffic (like robots) that pollutes your map. Filtering with accuracy is not an easy task and many other analytics systems do not bother (or not as much). As a result they may report MORE visits than us. Although this might be more satisfying, it gives you an incorrect view of your actual traffic. Our map is extremely precise and reliable. We record ALL your human visitors.
- I keep refreshing my page and no new visit is counted
We count 'visits'. You might notice that if you refresh your page, no new visit is counted. This is normal: you are still the same visitor, moving around the site and viewing pages within the current session (or visit). So we do not record a new visit. After 30 minutes of inactivity by a visitor, we consider that the visit has ended and if he comes back (or if you refresh your own page) a new visit will be counted.
- The geographic location (city, state) stats are sometimes incorrect
When we show you the geographic location of a visitor what we are actually measuring is the location from where the visitor's Internet Service Provider (ISP) issued a connection request to your web site. Usually the ISP servers are near the visitor's physical location, but sometimes the distance can be of a few miles
In some cases the ISP will re-route the connection requests through its private network, so that they will emerge far away from the actual visitor's location. These cases are not very common but they do happen.
These limitations are shared by all stats suppliers out there. As of today Web-Stat is using the most precise localization tool available and as far as we know you can not get more precise data anywhere else.
- What do I get if I upgrade to Premium?
By default the Visitors Map is entirely free, but if you upgrade to the premium version ($3.99/month) you will get additional features.
- Up to 500 markers on the map (instead of 100).
- 27 map styles to choose from (instead of 4).
- Access to the 'last locations' map.
- Heat maps and cluster maps available.
- The map updates in real time on your site.
You can upgrade your account risk-free. It costs $3.99/month and the upgrade can be canceled at any time through your Wix dashboard. Here is how to do it.
- Can you tell me more about my visitors?
Yes we can. Take a look at the Web-Stat App in the Wix App market: it will tell you everything that can be known about your visitors! You can install it in one click, it is free, and it runs in real-time without slowing down your site at all.